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Blind Leading the Blind

“If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. -Matthew 15:14

*We walked alone blindfolded. Trying to navigate life without God’s direction is a lonely, chaotic, unfulfilling journey.

*We walked with a partner who was also blindfolded. Following others who are as lost as you are leads to crashes and ditches.

*We walked blindfolded with a partner who could see, but we could only depend on their voice giving instructions. Following the voice of God, your parents or guardians, your pastors or spiritual leaders, and those who can see better than you is the wisest choice!

*We walked blindfolded and did the opposite of what our seeing partner told us to do. Obviously, it doesn’t matter how good and wise the directions, if we intentionally do the opposite. The same results will be achieved. Crash and burn.

As you can imagine, the safest, easiest, and fastest way to our destination was to follow the directions of our seeing partner! No stalls, no crashes, no u-turns!


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